Carl SchrÖ­ter International

Your risk is our

Insurance solutions
for your interests.

At CSI, we under­stand the cri­ti­cal role of com­pre­hen­si­ve and cus­to­mi­zed insu­rance covera­ge for busi­nesses and B2B cont­acts. Regard­less of your indus­try or spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments, we stri­ve to deve­lop insu­rance covers that are tail­o­red to your exact needs.

From ter­ro­rism insu­rance to trans­por­ta­ti­on insu­rance, we are your trus­ted part­ner to pro­tect your busi­ness and your inte­rests. Learn more about our diver­se insu­rance solu­ti­ons and how we can help you mini­mi­ze your risk and secu­re your busi­ness goals.


Terrorism insurance

Ter­ro­rist attacks are car­ri­ed out world­wi­de. Euro­pe is also a focus and has alre­a­dy been a tar­get. The loss poten­ti­al is high. The requi­re­ments for sui­ta­ble insu­rance con­cepts are cor­re­spon­din­gly demanding.


Charterer’s Liability

Our Charterer’s Lia­bi­li­ty insu­rance offers pro­tec­tion and com­pen­sa­ti­on for char­te­rers who wish to insu­re them­sel­ves against risks ari­sing from sea char­ter con­tracts. This includes dama­ge to the ves­sel, per­so­nal inju­ry, dama­ge to third-par­ty car­go, wreck rem­oval cos­ts, pol­lu­ti­on dama­ge and more.

Plea­se note that this con­trac­tu­al lia­bi­li­ty is nor­mal­ly express­ly excluded in mari­ne lia­bi­li­ty or public lia­bi­li­ty insu­rance poli­ci­es. Find out how our insu­rance solu­ti­on can help you pro­tect yours­elf effec­tively against the­se spe­ci­fic risks.



At CSI, we under­stand that every trans­por­ta­ti­on ope­ra­ti­on is uni­que. Depen­ding on the type of goods being trans­por­ted, the cho­sen means of trans­por­ta­ti­on and the rou­te, we offer cus­to­mi­zed insu­rance solu­ti­ons. We con­sider the enti­re trans­por­ta­ti­on chain, from pro­duc­tion and sto­rage to loa­ding, dis­patch and deli­very, any­whe­re in the world.

Our trans­por­ta­ti­on insu­rance is desi­gned to pro­tect your valuable goods and your busi­ness, regard­less of the spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments of your trans­port. Learn more about how we can help you effec­tively mini­mi­ze your trans­port risk.

insurance solutions

Cont­act us to dis­co­ver tail­or-made insu­rance solu­ti­ons. We are at your ser­vice to mini­mi­ze your risk and pro­vi­de you with the pro­tec­tion you need. Get in touch with us today!

Not all activities are related to Lloyd's

Carl Schröter International Insurance Services GmbH

Johann-Reiners-Platz 3
28217 Bremen

Phone: +49 (0)421 / 69 65 08 - 10